All appointments in which Selezioni Domus will be present

Salone Internazionale del Mobile

We will be present at the next edition of the Salone del Mobile, Milan 9-14 April 2019, with our Classic and Contemporary collections, expression of our florentine craftsmanship tradition, collections of eclectic design, aesthetic sense, innovation .[...]

Maison & Objet

Parteciperemo all'edizione Maison & Objet, Parigi, 18-22 Gennaio 2019, dove presenteremo le nostre nuove collezioniVi aspettiamo!FOREVER - HALL 7 STAND E 23[...]

Yachting Festival Cannes

The Cannes Yachting Festival, is the first boat show in the nautical season, the most important event in the nautical sector in Europe. Selezioni Domus Firenze, will be present in the new exhibition space dedicated to luxury, the Luxury Gallery, LUX0[...]

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